Editing a Discount

Graham Smith Updated by Graham Smith


This Firewood Camps feature allows for the management of all discounts associated with your camp.

Universal Discounts are applied to all of your camps when the code is used.

Camp Specific Discounts are applied to only certain specified camps.

Universal Discounts:

  1. Sign in to your Issued Admin Account
  2. Select "Manage Discounts"
  3. Select "Universal Discounts"
  4. Select the discount to change and click "Edit"
  5. Make changes to selected discount
  6. Select "Save Discount" to keep changes

Camp Specific Discounts:

  1. Sign in to your Issued Admin Account
  2. Select "Manage Discounts"
  3. Select "Camp Specific Discounts"
  4. Select the discount to change and click "Edit"
  5. Make changes to selected discount
  6. Select "Save Discount" to keep changes
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