Creating and Editing Events


This Firewood Camps feature gives you the ability to go into a created camp and delete a previously created Milestone.

Kyle Morlack
Updated by Kyle Morlack

Opening / Closing Registration

This Firewood Camps feature gives you the flexibility to open and close a registration in as easy check marking a box and updating the camp.

Kyle Morlack
Updated by Kyle Morlack

Price Points

This Firewood Camps feature gives you the option to change the different price points in which are associated with your camp

Kyle Morlack
Updated by Kyle Morlack

Exporting Player Information to a CSV File

This Firewood Camps feature allows you to export player and camp information into a CSV file

Graham Smith
Updated by Graham Smith

Creating An Event

Overview: This page will guide you through the entire process of creating an event. Feel free to experiment with the different settings when creating an event. This is the time to explore how the dif…

Kyle Morlack
Updated by Kyle Morlack

Cloning A Camp

This Firewood Camps feature gives you the flexibility to clone a previously created camp

Graham Smith
Updated by Graham Smith

Editing a Discount

This Firewood Camps feature allows for the management of all discounts associated with your camp

Graham Smith
Updated by Graham Smith
